Financial Statement Analysis [Reading1]❗️❗️❗️Intercorporate investments, 公司间投资

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1. Basic Corporate Investment Categories

2. ❗️❗️❗️Investments In Financial Assets

3. ❗️❗️❗️Invest in Associates

4. ❗️❗️❗️Business Combinations

5. Joint Ventures And Spes/Vies

6. ❗️❗️❗️Analysis Issues

1. Basic Corporate Investment Categories

Categorization of Investment


Financial Asset

bond investment -> AMC
other bond investment -> FVOCI
traded financial asset -> FVPL


Financial Asset

traded financial asset -> FVPL
Other equity tool investment -> FVOCI

Long-term equity investment

Joint venture
Child company

Investment in marketable debt and equity

Invest Financial Assets -> 金融资产投资
Invest associate -> 联营
Joint venture -> 合营
Business combination -> 子公司
Percentage of ownership

Lack of influence(<20%)
Significant influence(20%~50%)

the distinction based on the degree of the influence or control, rather than the percent holding.

投资类别 子分类 影响力程度 投资处理 其他特征描述
金融资产投资 债券投资 缺乏影响力(<20%) 透过AMC管理 -
其他债券投资 缺乏影响力(<20%) FVOCI -
交易性金融资产 缺乏影响力(<20%) FVPL 高流动性市场
其他股权工具投资 缺乏影响力(<20%) FVOCI -
关联企业 - 重大影响力(20%~50%) 权益法 投资者在被投资企业有重大影响力
合营企业 - 重大影响力(20%~50%) 权益法 合作伙伴共同控制的企业,投资者有重大影响力
子公司 - 控制(>50%) 全额合并 母公司对子公司具有控制权,财务报表中全额合并








2. ❗️❗️❗️Investments In Financial Assets

❗️❗️❗️Classification of Financial Assets

Both IASB and FASB revised standards for financial investments

protfolio is no longer appropriate, and availabel-for-sale, held-to-maturity no longer apper in IFRS9.
loan impairment.

Important Tips

classification is required under CFA LOS
level 1 financial instruments is no longer appropriate.

Two criteria for classification

Cash flow characteristic -> 现金流量特征

contractual cash flow are solely payments of principal and interest on principal.(only 本金及占用本金产生利息)

Business model -> 主观目的

collecting contractual cash flow, selling financial assets, or both.(收取现金,二次售卖,二者兼有)

Basic Principles❗️

meet two criteria -> measured at amortized cost(AMC)

solely principal and interest.
held to collect contractual cash flow.

meet first criteria, but may be sold -> fair value through other comprehensive income(FVOCI)

All other -> fair value through profit or loss(FVPL)

投资类型 符合的条件 会计处理方式
xx 1. 仅还本付息(Solely Payment of Principal and Interest) 应计成本(Amortized Cost)
2. 持有以收集合同现金流(Held to Collect Contractual Cash Flows)
xx 1. 仅还本付息(Solely Payment of Principal and Interest) 其他综合收益(Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income, FVOCI)
2. 可能被出售(May Be Sold)
其他交易金融资产 不符合上述第一个条件 利润或损失公允价值(Fair Value Through Profit or Loss, FVPL)

❗️❗️Measurement of Financial Assets

Measurement of financial assets: measured at fair value when initially accquired; subsequently measured at either fair value or amortized cost. -> lesson4种的两个例子(股权投资,债权投资)好好学习(TODO:用ipad自己算一遍)


Impairment of financial assets

According IFRS9: Financial asset(debt investment with FVOCI, AMC, may), contract aasets, lease receivables, financial guarantees, loan commitments.
"incurred loss" -> "expected loss": earlier recog of impairment

AMC: "减值准备(x)" -> "信用减值损失(x)"
FVOCI: "减值准备(x+y)" -> "信用减值损失(x+y)" -> 留存收益 -x , AOCI -y


Reclassification of financial assets

IFRS9: equity is not permitted reclassification.
股权工具不允许重分类:一旦股权工具根据IFRS 9的分类和计量要求被分类,随后不得将其重分类至其他类别。这意味着,无论投资策略或市场条件如何变化,一旦股权工具被分类为以公允价值计量,它们将持续保持在这一分类中。
reclassification of debt only permitted if business model changed significantly affect operations: infrequent
reclassification is deemed appropriate, no restatement allow before reclassification date.
重分类的适用性:只有当重分类被认为是合适的时候才会执行,比如当确实存在符合IFRS 9规定的商业模式重大变化时。在这种情况下,重分类是从公告日期开始执行的,不允许对重分类日期之前的金额进行重述。也就是说,所有与重分类相关的会计调整都应反映在重分类公告日期及以后的财务报表中。

3. ❗️❗️❗️Invest in Associates

1. ❗️❗️❗️Equity Method of Accounting

❗️❗️Basic principles

Investor holding 20%-50% of associate(investee), either directly or indirectly; siginificant influence but not control.

IFRS: 判断是否可以产生重大影响时,考虑未来一年内可以进行权益转换的投资,假使当前全部转换为股票。
GAAP: 判断是否可以产生重大影响时,只考虑事实是否已经转换为股票。

Evidences of Significant Influence

representation on the board of directors; 在董事会中有代表席位:如果投资者能够在被投资企业的董事会或类似管理机构中任命代表,这通常意味着他们有能力参与商业和运营决策,从而表明存在重大影响。
participation in the policy-making process; 参与政策制定过程:除了在董事会有代表之外,如果投资者能够参与重要的管理决策过程,例如对财务、运营或投资政策有发言权或决策权,这也是重大影响的一个迹象。
Material transactions between the investor and investee; 投资者与被投资企业之间存在重要交易:频繁的或金额巨大的交易,如提供或接受重要的财务支持,共享关键资源或合同,可能表明双方之间有着紧密的业务联系和相互依赖。
interchange of managerial personnel; 管理人员的互换:如果投资者和被投资企业之间有管理人员的共享或互换,尤其是在关键管理岗位上,这可能是重大影响的另一个标志。
Technological dependency:技术依赖:被投资企业如果在关键的技术方面依赖于投资者,例如专利使用、技术支持或知识产权共享,也表明投资者对其拥有重大影响。

Equity Method One-Line Consolidation

investor's proportionate ownership interest in the net assets of the investee, disclosed with a single line item(equity investment) about the investee -> non-current assets

investor's revenues with a single line item(equity income), seqparated from operating income.

Basic principles of equity method accounting

initially, recorded on investor's balance sheet at cost.


subsequent periods, recognize the investor's proportionate share of the investee's earnings or losses;


dividend received from investee, reduce the carrying amount of long-term investment, not reported in the investors profit.


❗️❗️Excess Purchase Price
❗️❗️Transactions with

Other Issues

4. ❗️❗️❗️Business Combinations 合并报表

Basic Concepts about combinations
Consolidation process
❗️❗️❗️Accounting Treatment of Goodwill

5. Joint Ventures And Spes/Vies 合营企业,SPE

6. ❗️❗️❗️Analysis Issues,分析

❗️❗️❗️Net Income and Shareholder's Equity
❗️❗️❗️Two common Analysis Frameworks
Issue for Equity Method

Financial Statement Analysis [Reading1]❗️❗️❗️Intercorporate investments, 公司间投资



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