Necessities of life----traveling like locals

2周前 (05-17) 0 点赞 0 收藏 0 评论 3 已阅读

Traveling has many different benefits.

1.     Sometimes travel not just to see the sights, but to calm down and relax. Travel let me harvest not only thebeautiful scenery, but also a more clear and peaceful heart.

2.     The world is as big as it is inyour heart. Traveling has made me believe in a bigger world, and it has alsomade me see a bigger world.

3.     Food of different countries, the embodiment of the spirit of different civilizations. When traveling, food not only satisfies our taste buds, but also makes it easier for us to experience the character and life of the locals.

Take a trip to Xinjiang for example, how to experience the beauty of Xinjiang like Xinjiang people.

1.    Taste grilled lamb kebabs on the streets of Xinjiang.

Sitting on the park bench, the lamb soaked in a mixture of onion water and egg juice wasplayfully taunted by the roast. The juicy meat was devoured, with its flavorfulgravy splashing in our mouths. The aromatic cumin and peppers added an extrakick to the delicious lamb, making it even more irresistible.

In Xinjiang, mutton kebabs have a long history, both ethnic minorities and Han Chinese love it very much. It is a traditional dish, and locals like it best to eat it alongside the road or in a street with a beer.

2.    In winter, take a car of locals and go to a snow resort with a local coach.

This is a picture of me and my coach in the snow resort.

The snow resort I recommend is the Silk Road Snow Resort near Urumqi. It is suitable for beginners and the transportation is convenient.

It is divided into three pistes according to their difficulty.

Skiing is a traditional sport that almost everyone in Xinjiang will try. It can not only strengthen the body, but also enjoy the scenery and relax the mood. I also made a few friends there.

Skiing with one of my friends

3.    Have a road trip with local friends on Duku Highway.

Duku Highway is a veritable landscape avenue, from the starting point of Dushanzi Grand Canyon, to the Narati, Bayanbulak grassland along the way, and then to the end of Kuqa Tianshan mysterious Grand Canyon.

Different views

My father's friend provided the car. Half a month's travel made us tired but happy, which is the best reflection of the scenery in Xinjiang.

4.    Go horseback riding with the minorities on the grassland.

Horses are the main means of transportation for local herdsmen, and riding with them, sprinting on the grassland, all worries will be forgotten.

I was riding on a horse

Ride back to the yurt for a day and the locals invite you to join them for traditional milk tea and delicious roast sheep. Nothing could be more like local life.

Unique milk tea

5.    Go to the Grand Bazaar and shop like a local.

The Grand Bazaar is rich in ethnic products, as well as food, daily necessities and imported goods, and is a favorite international market for locals.

Vases of some ethnic style

Grand Bazaar is an important landmark of cultural tourism in Urumqi. It is not only popular with tourists and local people, but also has become a "golden card" of Xinjiang's cultural tourism, and a "window to Xinjiang", "window to Central Asia" and "window to the world".

This is a tweet about traveling like Xinjiang people, I hope that after reading it, Xinjiang can also become your paradise, so that you can experience the joy and value of travel.

PS:Life is not only in the present, but also poetry and distance.

Necessities of life----traveling like locals



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