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day 13 2024/01/03 关于幸福的小感想











A Few Thoughts on Happiness

Happiness is a mystical thing. Many possess a lot, yet they are not joyous. In 2023, there was a funny saying: "I don't want you to think, I want to think for myself!" This suits defining real happiness perfectly. Happiness isn't about vanity on the face, but rather an inner need; it doesn't reside in others' eyes but within one's own heart. So, only when you feel happy is it true happiness! The world is full of chaos; many are disturbed by external noises, troubling their ears and minds! If you can't feel happiness, even if you're extremely busy, please make sure to have some alone time every day because that's when wisdom arises.

A wise person also said: "The best state in life is rich tranquility." We not only need moments of peace but as we age, we'll cherish all quiet moments even more. Amidst all the commotion, during these peaceful times, we untangle everything for ourselves. Hence, don't walk too fast; take a moment for your soul. Through conversations with oneself, listening to the inner voice, we gain more wisdom in life, reclaiming our innocence and tranquility within! Why do children easily feel happy, sincerely smiling at having a candied fruit skewer or seeing a windmill? Because they are simple! They live simply in the present moment, not reminiscing about past interesting incidents from infancy, nor anxious about the difficulties of future learning!

And yet, this is precisely where the weariness of adult hearts lies. We think too much, regret the past, and worry about the future! Thinking too much leads to losing composure! Hence, happiness is the best preparation, the worst assumption; thus, happiness is doing one's best and accepting fate. This is the greatest composure in this world.

Happiness should be a feeling that comes from within your heart.

Therefore, we should learn to love ourselves; self-love should triumph above all. Every time my son tells me, "Mom, I love you the most!" I always tell children that in this life, the most enduring love is for oneself. However, truly learning to love oneself requires a lot of practice. Some people never learn it throughout their lives, constantly struggling with themselves, having various regrets about their lives! If the dish tastes bland, add some salt; if the onion lacks flavor, add an egg.

Your happiness is determined by you.

So, the next time you feel down, never point fingers at others. Calm down, converse with your heart, tell yourself to learn to see the shining parts of your life, learn to appreciate the sparkling stars in the boundless night sky, rather than being saddened by the vast darkness.

Please remember, the dark night will eventually pass, dawn will surely come. During this time, appreciate the shining stars in the galaxy; life is scorching!




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